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Shipping, Returns, & FAQ


What are the shipping methods?

Shipping Method Processing Time Shipping Time Methods
Free 1-2 Business Days 4-10 Business Days USPS, Fedex
Priority 1-2 Business Days 2 Business Days USPS, Fedex
Express 1 Business Day 1 Business Day USPS, Fedex

How much does shipping cost?

All orders over $150 have a free shipping option. For others: click checkout, enter your shipping address and a rate will be displayed.

Can I edit my order?

Please reply to your confirmation email with your change request.

Can I track my order?

Log into your account (avatar icon on top right) and your tracking information will be displayed.

What if my order is damaged, incorrect or missing an item?

Please reply to your confirmation email with a brief description or photo and we will make it right.

Do you have gift wrapping?

Unfortunately, we do not provide gift wrapping for online orders.

My order is marked delivered, but I have not received it?

Marked as delivered, but you didn’t receive it?

- The postal carrier marked the package as delivered a few days in advance 
- A neighbor or roommate may have accepted the package on your behalf 
- The postal carrier left the package somewhere discreet to prevent it from being stolen

If the package hasn’t shown up after 3 business days, contact us by replying to your confirmation email.

Placing a bulk order?

Please see the Bulk Order Page.

Returns & Exchanges

What is your return policy?

We're happy to accept your returns of unworn items in their original condition (unworn, tags attached) within 30 days of the ship date. Final sale items and gift cards can't be returned. Shipping costs are non-refundable and free shipping items incure a $5 fee. Returns are issued to the original form of payment. Orders placed with store credit are refunded as store credit. Customers are responsible for cost of return shipping. Holiday orders have extended returns until January 31st.

How do I start a return?

Please request an return or exchange using your account. It helps us if you can include a short note with the reason for the return. Accounts can be found here.

How do I make an exchange?

Please reply to your order confirmation email requesting an exchange and we will email you a shipping label.

When can I expect my refund?

Return processing typically take between 10 days and up to 3 weeks to be processed. We will make sure to send you an email confirming that your refund has been initiated. If you have waited for more than three weeks please replay to your confirmation email and we will get right on it.

International Orders

What countries do you ship to?

We ship to any country serviced by FEDEX or EMS.

How to return an international order?

Please replay to your order confirmation email requesting a return or exchange. We will send you an RMA # and return instructions. You are responsible for return shipping costs.

How are duties paid?

Duties are paid by the customer, in most instances your local mail carrier or FEDEX will present the customs bill to you.

What shipping methods and how long is the transit times?

We offer EMS international or FEDEX. costs and transit times are listed at checkout once you have inputed your order.

Bulk Orders

How do I get a quote?

To receive more information about our pricing or to receive a quote on a potential order, contact us and provide as many specifics regarding the order as possible:

- Exact URL, colors, and quantity you are interested in
- The specific reason for the bulk order
- The address you would like the order shipped to
- Date order must arrive by

How do I place an order?

Once you’ve received your quote and determined that you’d like to proceed, we will send you an invoice that is payable online. Upon placing the order you will receive tracking and shipping information to your email.

Can I get my custom artwork on a product?

If your order is at least 100 pieces, please contact us and provide your artwork and as many specifics regarding the order as possible.

Can I get custom designs?

Custom designs are possible. Design and development is charged per hour and is billed separately from any per piece cost of the bulk order.

Can I return bulk orders?

We are unable to accept returns of bulk orders at this time.


Can I machine wash?

No, do not Please! It will cause damage, void your warranty and make us all sad. Please invest the small amount of time in the steps below instead.

How do I clean natural canvas bags?

Natural canvas bags with leather trim should not be submerged in water. Instead use a soft brush and a small amount of mild soap and lightly dampen the soiled area. Brush the dirt off, but take care not to brush too vigorously or use too much soap as this will leave a lightened area on you bag. For oil stains use a dry powder such as baking soda to soak up the oil instead of using water. 

How do I clean nylon bags?

Nylon bags with leather trim should not be submerged in water. Instead use a soft brush and a small amount of mild soap. Dampen the brush and soap, and then lightly scrub the nylon fabric. For the interior, first turn the bag inside out. For oil stains use a dry powder such as baking soda to soak up the oil instead of using water. 

How do I clean colored leather?

Weekly cleaning with a barely damp (almost dry) cloth will help the most to keep dirt off, and help create an even patina. For deeper cleanings we recommend using a reputable leather cleaner and conditioner combo. Please note you need both steps - just follow the directions on the bottle. For fresh oil stains, try applying cornstarch, baking soda or even a tissue or dry paper to remove the oil before it soaks into the leather.

How do I clean natural vacchetta leather?

Natural leather will quickly patina with ever use and that includes with every cleaning. Think of cleaning natural leather as a way to remove dirt, not to return it to a previous state. Use a barely damp cloth to wipe dirt off, noting that water will stain natural leather. For deeper cleanings we recommend using a reputable leather cleaner and conditioner combo. Please note you need both steps - just follow the directions on the bottle. Note that all cleanings will change the color of natural leather.


What is your warranty?

Our products have a lifetime warranty. We stand behind our work and will repair defects at no additional cost. 

Our warranty includes repairs to problems with stitching, zippers, fabric, leather, and closures. If damages are incurred by the user, we can offer repairs at a reasonable rate. The warranty does not cover incidents such as machine washing or submerging your bag, negligent damages, dog bites, and the like.  Warranties are extended to the original owner only.

How do I receive warranty service?

Please snap a photo, and include a short description of what is broken on your item. Send it along with your order number (or your store receipt if bought at one of our stockists) to

 Items that do not meet the warranty criteria above will be quoted a total price for shipping and repair costs. All repairs will be handled within a reasonable time. Because we are a small operation, your repair may be subject to delays or slowdowns depending on the time of year. 

How do I get my bag repaired?

For repairs to accidental damage, please snap a photo and include a short description when emailing us at

Can I have a modification done?

I apologize we cannot do modifications on comleted bags.